Badminton has always been one of the sports that attract players because of its simplicity, no need for high technology, but still good health training. Thereby, the antagonistic nature of badminton 2 or 4-player also helps players interact and socialize with friends.
The body becomes more flexible
Badminton is one of the sports that require players to have good technique as well as breakthrough speed whether hitting singles or doubles. Therefore, agility is an extremely important factor in playing this sport. When participating in the game, the ball that the opponent emits will move at an extremely fast speed and requires the player to be very focused to counterattack quickly. Therefore, through practice, you will gain physical agility as well as mental acumen.
Pictures were taken directly at Celadon Sports and Resort Club
Effective weight loss
According to research by scientists, when we play badminton for about 1 hour, the body will burn 400-500 calories. Therefore, you can be completely assured because now there is an effective and safe way to lose weight by exercising every day.
Help strengthen bones
Playing badminton has benefits such as: helping the body to be agile, flexible, and lose weight effectively. Not only that, but this sport is also capable of maintaining a strong skeleton.
Many people are still concerned about the injuries they will encounter during the competition that can affect the shoulder or wrist joint. However, all of this is just an accident and cannot happen if the players know how to practice and get proper nutrition.
What could be more wonderful is when you can both experience exercise, enjoy a relaxing space and exercise with just 5 minutes moving right in the area where you live, Celadon sports club - local Favorite spot for the ultimate and only badminton court experience right in the heart of the city. Here, we have a swimming experience package with only 399K, get a discount code here.